Sunday, December 27, 2009
double dutch son!!!
first of all i would like everyone to direct their attention to the links on your right hand side, yes they are new and yes you should clickity clack on them to see where they go. they are some of my friends blogs and on them you can find music, fashion and loads of other glorious things which you will have to go there to see for yourself. now on to the pic, here we have the great lando calrissian a.k.a billy dee williams getting down on some double dutch. now i know the pic is a little big and a little zoomed in but it's just so you get a sneak peek of whats going on and come to the show to see the rest of it, it also give you a chance see what a real mans facial hair should look like.
Monday, December 21, 2009
In a stroke of inspiration, Themba came up with a new concept for the show. BFF takes two characters with something in common giving props to each other. For some the connection is obvious, while others you will have to think about it in a clever way. The first of the bunch is of Wilt Chamberlain and Ron Jeremy. Can you make the connection?
Friday, December 4, 2009
sneaker pimp
i have been busy lately running around trying to figure out how to frame some of my new works, so the posts have been slim. today i have a pic of the progress being made on the 3-d jordan one. this model will be displayed with each of the star wars paintings in the colorway of the character in the painting. the shoe is being re-designed and tweaked by my friend and show-mate k.currie. as you can see its coming along nicely.
上圖是我的朋友兼此次展覽的合作藝術家K.Currie創作出的3D喬登一代紙鞋模型,各位也將會在展覽中看到它們的出現。每個Star Wars的畫作會配合一雙以主角的代表色為主創作出的紙鞋模型。個人非常喜歡此模型。與大家分享..
Monday, November 23, 2009
Pick your spots...
Here's another little taste of what's to come! What do you get when an over zealous Ewok buys into the rebellion and starts feeling bold? A shot in his rass is what! This is probably my favorite piece, it's simple and to the point and funny as hell. Stay tuned for more glimpses into our show.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
don't make me destroy you...
well this painting should explain itself, obviously some furry asshole thought it would be a good idea to play with the dark lord's light saber, and then he got caught farting around with it. bad idea jackass! he is the dark side, what did you think was going to happen??
this was one of my first actual paintings that i did when i decided to make the the whole star wars theme funny. i like the idea and feel that it turned out pretty well.
毛茸茸的ewok竟認為把the dark lord的光劍拿來把玩是一個好點子,天真的以為不會被發現。十足的笨蛋,the dark lord 是屬於黑暗勢力的那方,嚴重的後果可想而知。
Monday, November 9, 2009
That's Art Folks!
There's been a bit of turbulence recently trying to get a venue for the upcoming show, but all has been resolved! Our new show will be on Jan 16, 2010 at the International Trade Institute Assembly Hall in Taipei. Kenrick Curry, the artist collaborating with us for this show created the flyer for the show, which will begin bombarding your facebook accounts and car windshields in the near future.
經過反覆的討論,我們終於決定Themba Child下一次的作品展覽【That's Art Folks] 將會在2010年1月16日,台北信義公民會館 D館展出。共同參展的藝術工作者Kenrick Curry設計此次展覽的宣傳單,此宣傳單將會在不久的將來持續轟炸出現在你的facebook信箱或著車子擋風玻璃上。待續。
經過反覆的討論,我們終於決定Themba Child下一次的作品展覽【That's Art Folks] 將會在2010年1月16日,台北信義公民會館 D館展出。共同參展的藝術工作者Kenrick Curry設計此次展覽的宣傳單,此宣傳單將會在不久的將來持續轟炸出現在你的facebook信箱或著車子擋風玻璃上。待續。
this just in..
i am sure some of you are wondering how the skeletor painting that i started a few months ago is going, well i am here with a little progress report for ya. as you can see there is a bit of craziness going on here with the white up in the right corner and all of that brown near the bottom. i am not sure exactly what was going through my mind when i did those things but they don't really seem to be ruining the painting. i am actually pretty sure that the white in the corner is there for good and i know that i want to change the bottom color, but i'm just not sure how yet. so far its been a long process but its looking good. i will post some more pics when i add some more details.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
the dunk contest..
well i am sure that anyone that saw the post about the ewok getting slow roasted might have felt a little upset at the fact that chewy was about to eat one of his allies. this time around we have an ewok enjoying some popcorn while watching the classic '84 dunk contest. it is being projected by his good buddy r2d2 who is sporting his custom made jordan 1's. this should make all of you ewok rights activists feel better, but i can't say that it won't happen again. i mean they were the jar jars of the old movies, they deserve to have their little hairy asses beaten.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
the scrap heap :(
sometimes you think you have a pretty good idea and then you decide to go for it, but then you look at it again later and think that something is just not right. well what you are looking at is one of those moments. the pic of han solo is not bad, but there just isn't enough comedy in it, i mean he looks kind of funny... i guess...ummm....shit no he doesn't so in the words of kenny powers "you're f**kin out". the idea needs to be better in order for it to be released some the lab you know it needs the shiny paint job and new car smell, so you won't be seeing this bad boy in my show unless you have a way to make it better.
p.s. feel free to leave some comments and try to click on that little follower thing too.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Needs a little salt...
最近一直不斷在想下一次畫展的新點子。由於第一次展覽中的小畫【超級英雄】受到大多數人的喜愛,我決定要在繼續小畫的創作。這次的會以星際大戰為主題並以全景的方式呈現。假使現在星際大戰導演George Lucas有這些新想法,我們一定會很喜歡新的星際大戰。上圖是這系列的第一幅,Chewbacca正在烤一個Ewok。下一個將會是哈里遜伏特飾演的Han Solo和他的朋友。待續..
最近一直不斷在想下一次畫展的新點子。由於第一次展覽中的小畫【超級英雄】受到大多數人的喜愛,我決定要在繼續小畫的創作。這次的會以星際大戰為主題並以全景的方式呈現。假使現在星際大戰導演George Lucas有這些新想法,我們一定會很喜歡新的星際大戰。上圖是這系列的第一幅,Chewbacca正在烤一個Ewok。下一個將會是哈里遜伏特飾演的Han Solo和他的朋友。待續..
Sunday, October 4, 2009
the lab baby!
i have been talking about the "laboratory" for some time now and i am sure that none of you are wondering what it looks like. well who cares because today you are going to get a taste. the picture above is my "lab" its where i create and brainstorm new ideas. i have a desk, two easels, spray paint, canvases, a bookshelf, paper, Chinese ink, Chinese paper and a bunch of other things that i can't remember right now all stuffed into that area, there are a bunch of unused ideas and old paintings that i can see all over the place in this pic too. it doesn't really get much cleaner than that or else i start to forget where everything is. It's not really a big space but it gets the job done, plus it has a nice big window for sunny days.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
i have been in the lab for the past few days trying to figure out which ideas to use for the new show, now its all about picking which ones to put all of my effort into. so far i have posted some things that will be in the show and i will be posting more, but i think its a bit boring to keep looking at my sketches and unfinished paintings so i will provide a few links to some of the places that i get my ideas and inspiration from.
Sneaker News
great place to see whats new in the sneaker world and it usually has pics from different angles.
Character Design
a good site to see what different companies artists are up to and read interviews about them.
Vinyl Pulse
i go here to see some of the creative ideas that are coming out of the vinyl toy industry.
check them out
Sneaker News
Character Design
Vinyl Pulse
Sneaker News
great place to see whats new in the sneaker world and it usually has pics from different angles.
Character Design
a good site to see what different companies artists are up to and read interviews about them.
Vinyl Pulse
i go here to see some of the creative ideas that are coming out of the vinyl toy industry.
check them out
Sneaker News
Character Design
Vinyl Pulse
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Road To Glory
When the idea of doing a painting inspired by Mike Tyson's Punch Out started to materialize, I was struggling to remember the characters, so I had to do a little research. I found a site that listed all the characters and their attributes. The minute I saw Super Macho Man I got the urge to break my controller! If you've played the game then you know what I mean. I also found this pic of comparisons with real celebrities...the Barkley is wicked.
Stay tuned! We will post some pics of this painting in the upcoming weeks.
被Mike Tyson's Punch Out激發的靈感成形後,我找到一個網站讓我帶回對遊戲裡各個角色特色的記憶。當我第一眼看到Super Macho Man,便有一股想摔壞遊戲控制器的衝動,我想玩過那遊戲的人應該都能了解我在說什麼!另外,我也找到一張圖片,包含各角色與真實好萊塢明星的比較,the Barkley真是太妙了! 待續。
被Mike Tyson's Punch Out激發的靈感成形後,我找到一個網站讓我帶回對遊戲裡各個角色特色的記憶。當我第一眼看到Super Macho Man,便有一股想摔壞遊戲控制器的衝動,我想玩過那遊戲的人應該都能了解我在說什麼!另外,我也找到一張圖片,包含各角色與真實好萊塢明星的比較,the Barkley真是太妙了! 待續。
Sunday, September 20, 2009
who you gonna call?
this week there will be no pictures because there is too much work in progress, instead i will provide you with some videos. they have something to do with an up coming painting that i am excited about, so instead of trying to describe the idea to you i will just post some videos and let your mind run wild with the possibilities. enjoy!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Time for a Switch!
Alright, we thought the old title was slightly boring, so we decided to switch it up with a Themba child original! Enjoy!
新的部落格標題。Themba Child的原始呈現。
新的部落格標題。Themba Child的原始呈現。
Sunday, September 13, 2009
mike tyson's punch out!
okay this game should not need and introduction unless you were born in the 90's and even then you should have some idea. i remember when this guy down the street got a nintendo, that was the first time that i ever saw anything that cool. mike tyson's punch out was the second game that he got, we played that game so many times and i never got to mike tyson. anyway my next project is going to be a tribute to one of the coolest games that i can remember. i am planning some sort of nightmare that little mac might have. i will be sure to keep everyone posted on the progress.
90年代前出生的人應該對此任天堂的遊戲Mike Tyson's Punch Out並不陌生。還記得一個朋友買了那遊戲,當下我便覺得這真的太酷了!玩了一陣子,怎麼都打不倒Mike Tyson。總而言之,我下一個作品的靈感發自此讓我難忘的遊戲,Little Mac的夢魘。待續....
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Jokers galore!
As mentioned in a previous post, Themba will be doing a Joker painting. The Joker is no stranger to being portrayed in art, so we decided to look at him in a different light. Typically he's displayed as an evil genius or as a cunning pyschopath, we had other ideas! The leading candidates right now are Handsome Joker (top right sketch) and Rugged Joker (bottom right sketch). The style we choose will assuredly be original and unique. Stay tuned for further developments on this universally beloved villain.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
air skeezy
today i am giving everyone a look at a new work in progress, its skeletor the villain from the he-man cartoon wearing air yeezys. when these shoes came out they would release a new color every few months, but none of them ever came in any bright colorways, so i decided that i needed to pay tribute to one of my favorite cartoon shows and to a pair of shoes that i would love to own. i have not decided on the final colors for the shoes yet, but i will keep you posted on the progress of the painting.
此為尚未完成的作品,80年代熱門卡通《太空超人He-man》裡的反派角色骷髏人 Skeletor, 穿上Air Yeezys鞋款。請到Hip-Hop大師Kanya West設計完成而聲名大噪的鞋款Air Yeezys,原創並無任何明亮色系的組合,我將會設計一雙有著明亮色系的鞋款放入此作品。
Monday, August 31, 2009
under construction
Alright people, production for the next show has begun! I'm here to give you some info about the new pieces we're working on. In the last show we had a section dedicated to superheroes, and we decided to do a few paintings of their counterparts...Super-Villains!
First up on the list is the Joker! A quick background on possibly the greatest villain of all time. Joker first appeared in Batman #1 in 1940 as the Dark Night's archenemy. The most accepted version of the Joker's transformation is as follows: An unnamed criminal falls into a vat of chemical waste causing his skin to turn white, his hair green and his lips red. Obviously this traumatic event affected him mentally as well causing his intelligence level to rise dramatically. He has been portrayed as a funny trickster as well as a psychopathic killer.
We will be putting up some sketches of the Joker in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!
上次的個展中,部份展出一系列超級英雄的作品,接下來 我們決定要把反派角色做為下次個展中部份的主題。
說到反派大壞蛋,我們馬上想到的第一人選便是The Joker(小丑)。相信大家對希斯萊傑在他遺作《蝙蝠俠- 黑暗騎士》中 飾演的小丑一角印象深刻,此人物原本就是一個凶残的幫派份子,在一次掉入化學廢棄物池的意外後,讓他變成一個白臉、綠髮 有著血紅唇色的怪人,也戲劇性地變得更加狡猾聰明讓人捉摸 不清。The Joker 的草圖會陸續上傳與大家分享。待續....
First up on the list is the Joker! A quick background on possibly the greatest villain of all time. Joker first appeared in Batman #1 in 1940 as the Dark Night's archenemy. The most accepted version of the Joker's transformation is as follows: An unnamed criminal falls into a vat of chemical waste causing his skin to turn white, his hair green and his lips red. Obviously this traumatic event affected him mentally as well causing his intelligence level to rise dramatically. He has been portrayed as a funny trickster as well as a psychopathic killer.
We will be putting up some sketches of the Joker in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!
上次的個展中,部份展出一系列超級英雄的作品,接下來 我們決定要把反派角色做為下次個展中部份的主題。
說到反派大壞蛋,我們馬上想到的第一人選便是The Joker(小丑)。相信大家對希斯萊傑在他遺作《蝙蝠俠- 黑暗騎士》中 飾演的小丑一角印象深刻,此人物原本就是一個凶残的幫派份子,在一次掉入化學廢棄物池的意外後,讓他變成一個白臉、綠髮 有著血紅唇色的怪人,也戲劇性地變得更加狡猾聰明讓人捉摸 不清。The Joker 的草圖會陸續上傳與大家分享。待續....
Sunday, August 9, 2009
business...always business
well its finally here and ready for the public eye, yes the bulletproof toast business card. this beauty was custom cut in the shape of a piece of toast and glossed over with some buttery smooth lettering. fresh out of the oven and ready to stop some bullets.
special thanks to megatron for stopping by and helping us test the resistance to bullets.
我的個人名片 防彈土司 正式在此跟大家見面,土司形狀加上如奶油般的字體,熱騰騰地剛剛出爐!
特別感謝 Megatron 前來為我們測試它的防彈力。
Monday, August 3, 2009
Art Show Review
Saturday August 1 marked the first Bulletproof Toast art show. There was a relatively big turnout and it was an entertaining event. Thanks to everyone for coming out to support and checking out the art. Special thanks to the DJs, AntiHero and Charles for playing some hype music, and to Waakao for helping with the promotion.
I was trying to figure out which painting was the all out favorite and I discovered that there wasn't. Pretty much everyone had a different painting that spoke to them. There was a lot of discussion about the Miami Vice, Yoda, Tyson, Steamboat Willie and the superhero collages. In fact, Miami Vice was sold within minutes.
Here are a few pics of the event. We'll keep you up to date on our future endeavors.
Monday, July 13, 2009
The red shoe or the blue shoe?
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Teddy Bear Art Exhibit
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The King
i have decided not to write any history or put up any videos because i am sure that a million other people have done that already so i will just give you an idea of how amazing this man was with a little story.
i have been teaching young students in taiwan for three years and would always play music at lunchtime or when they were writing. one day i made a cd with some michael jackson songs for them, after a few days all of my students would be singing the songs in the hall or requesting the songs by name. after that i decided that they needed to see some videos, so during movie time we watched thriller because it was the only video that i had on vcd. a few weeks later a six year old girl in my class told me that she bought the michael jackson number ones dvd. soon after that they all started dancing and singing even more songs. when it came time for our graduation play they all voted to have thriller as the ending song. that is how cool he was to them, and the coolest thing about the class that let me know that they really did like him and think that he was cool...their favorite video was "don't stop til you get enough" how wicked is that for a six year old recognize a master when they see one.
this year my new class of three year olds decided that their graduation song was going to be "rockin robin" sang by the jackson five. they sang beautifully and danced like young michaels. they still ask me to play it even though graduation is over.
goodbye king you will be missed all over the world.
Monday, June 8, 2009
The Man
We I am sure that all two of you have been wondering where the name "Bulletproof Toast" came from, what it means and most of all what that mofo looks like?? Well I am here to answer some of those questions. The name?? well it appeared out of thin air, I was just walking down the street and it just popped into my head, I liked it because it sounded cool and made no sense at all, but it was fun as hell. What does it mean?? It means exactly what it says "Bullet-motherfuckin-proof Toast". If those first two answers were not that satisfying I understand, so for the final question I decided to skip the description and get a pic to show you how he gets down.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Me and stuff...
Its been a long time since I have made a post, so I am writing this to the two people that come here each week to let them know that I am still alive and still painting and drawing. Today I will give a little info on the previous posts. I am what they call a sneakerhead, I love shoes and will do almost anything to get my hands on the ones that I want. The idea for a lot of my recent paintings comes from my love for sneakers and of retro shit like 80's movies, cartoons, music...basically whatever I think is funny or cool. The ideas behind the pictures are different superheros wearing Nike Dunks. I drew the characters with the shoes on and I gave the shoes new colorways to match the colors of the superhero. Its was a small idea that is growing and I am getting excited about, because the possibilities are endless. That's all for today but I will be back soon with some new shit for the peeps.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Jordan 3's anyone?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
?? Some Chinese painting ??
I have been studying Chinese painting three times a week for the past two and a half years. It is something that I enjoy and I will be the first to tell you that it is no joke, if you have ever studied art or are artistic in any way it makes no difference because it will frustrate you to the point of insanity. Imagine learning how to walk again or how to use a knife and fork again, well that is sort of what it feels like when you first start learning. Anyway it is a lot of fun and after a while you really start to appreciate it and love doing it. So here are a few of my latest works.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Still Grindin
Well its been a little while since the last post but we are getting closer to the art show and things must be finished. Today we have a finished pic of Iceman wearing some icy blue dunks and a pic that needs to be painted, you can try to guess who they are. If you are having trouble you can check out the video below for the answer.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Steamboat Willie
Alright, Steamboat Willie is complete wearing red and yellow air max 90's.
Check out this link of the original video:
Steamboat Willie
Coming soon!
Alright here are a few pics of what we're working on for the show. Some of these are incomplete, but it should give you a good idea of the concept. Keep checking in, new posts will be added daily.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Bulletproof Toast in full effect!
Welcome one and all to the official launch of the Bulletproof Toast blog. We've started this blog to keep you posted on our art show coming up in the near future, as well as keep you updated on anything new that we're working on. For this show we've taken some of our favorite pop culture characters and given them some of the hottest kicks. We will be posting pics of our work in process, so keep checking in to stay current.
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