Sunday, September 27, 2009


i have been in the lab for the past few days trying to figure out which ideas to use for the new show, now its all about picking which ones to put all of my effort into. so far i have posted some things that will be in the show and i will be posting more, but i think its a bit boring to keep looking at my sketches and unfinished paintings so i will provide a few links to some of the places that i get my ideas and inspiration from.

Sneaker News
great place to see whats new in the sneaker world and it usually has pics from different angles.

Character Design

a good site to see what different companies artists are up to and read interviews about them.

Vinyl Pulse
i go here to see some of the creative ideas that are coming out of the vinyl toy industry.

check them out



Sneaker News

Character Design

Vinyl Pulse



Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Road To Glory

When the idea of doing a painting inspired by Mike Tyson's Punch Out started to materialize, I was struggling to remember the characters, so I had to do a little research. I found a site that listed all the characters and their attributes. The minute I saw Super Macho Man I got the urge to break my controller! If you've played the game then you know what I mean. I also found this pic of comparisons with real celebrities...the Barkley is wicked.
Stay tuned! We will post some pics of this painting in the upcoming weeks.


被Mike Tyson's Punch Out激發的靈感成形後,我找到一個網站讓我帶回對遊戲裡各個角色特色的記憶。當我第一眼看到Super Macho Man,便有一股想摔壞遊戲控制器的衝動,我想玩過那遊戲的人應該都能了解我在說什麼!另外,我也找到一張圖片,包含各角色與真實好萊塢明星的比較,the Barkley真是太妙了! 待續。

Sunday, September 20, 2009

who you gonna call?

this week there will be no pictures because there is too much work in progress, instead i will provide you with some videos. they have something to do with an up coming painting that i am excited about, so instead of trying to describe the idea to you i will just post some videos and let your mind run wild with the possibilities. enjoy!



Thursday, September 17, 2009

Time for a Switch!

Alright, we thought the old title was slightly boring, so we decided to switch it up with a Themba child original! Enjoy!

新的部落格標題。Themba Child的原始呈現。

Sunday, September 13, 2009

mike tyson's punch out!

okay this game should not need and introduction unless you were born in the 90's and even then you should have some idea. i remember when this guy down the street got a nintendo, that was the first time that i ever saw anything that cool. mike tyson's punch out was the second game that he got, we played that game so many times and i never got to mike tyson. anyway my next project is going to be a tribute to one of the coolest games that i can remember. i am planning some sort of nightmare that little mac might have. i will be sure to keep everyone posted on the progress.


90年代前出生的人應該對此任天堂的遊戲Mike Tyson's Punch Out並不陌生。還記得一個朋友買了那遊戲,當下我便覺得這真的太酷了!玩了一陣子,怎麼都打不倒Mike Tyson。總而言之,我下一個作品的靈感發自此讓我難忘的遊戲,Little Mac的夢魘。待續....

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Jokers galore!

As mentioned in a previous post, Themba will be doing a Joker painting. The Joker is no stranger to being portrayed in art, so we decided to look at him in a different light. Typically he's displayed as an evil genius or as a cunning pyschopath, we had other ideas! The leading candidates right now are Handsome Joker (top right sketch) and Rugged Joker (bottom right sketch). The style we choose will assuredly be original and unique. Stay tuned for further developments on this universally beloved villain.


上次與大家提到將會為作品之一的Joker,有了第一步雛形。常常被作為藝術描繪主題的Joker, 我們屏除了他已往給大家“邪惡的天才“或是“狡猾的精神病患“的印象,給予他一個新的面貌。英俊瀟灑的他(圖右上方) 和粗獷不修邊幅的他(圖右下方)已在候選名單上,我們最後選出的Joker將會是獨特及有原創性的,敬請期待。

Sunday, September 6, 2009

air skeezy

today i am giving everyone a look at a new work in progress, its skeletor the villain from the he-man cartoon wearing air yeezys. when these shoes came out they would release a new color every few months, but none of them ever came in any bright colorways, so i decided that i needed to pay tribute to one of my favorite cartoon shows and to a pair of shoes that i would love to own. i have not decided on the final colors for the shoes yet, but i will keep you posted on the progress of the painting.


此為尚未完成的作品,80年代熱門卡通《太空超人He-man》裡的反派角色骷髏人 Skeletor, 穿上Air Yeezys鞋款。請到Hip-Hop大師Kanya West設計完成而聲名大噪的鞋款Air Yeezys,原創並無任何明亮色系的組合,我將會設計一雙有著明亮色系的鞋款放入此作品。