Sunday, October 11, 2009

the scrap heap :(

sometimes you think you have a pretty good idea and then you decide to go for it, but then you look at it again later and think that something is just not right. well what you are looking at is one of those moments. the pic of han solo is not bad, but there just isn't enough comedy in it, i mean he looks kind of funny... i guess...ummm....shit no he doesn't so in the words of kenny powers "you're f**kin out". the idea needs to be better in order for it to be released some the lab you know it needs the shiny paint job and new car smell, so you won't be seeing this bad boy in my show unless you have a way to make it better.

p.s. feel free to leave some comments and try to click on that little follower thing too.


Monday, October 5, 2009

Needs a little salt...

Our new show is vastly approaching and we're working hard to get our ideas completed. In the first show we had ten small collages of super-heroes which were a crowd favorite, so we decided to go small again. This time we're going with a panoramic view and a Star Wars theme. If George Lucas had these ideas, we'd all have loved the new Star Wars episodes. This is the first of many,Chewbacca slow roasting an Ewok. We'll be posting them as soon as they're done. We've got Han Solo and the gang on the way, so stay tuned!


最近一直不斷在想下一次畫展的新點子。由於第一次展覽中的小畫【超級英雄】受到大多數人的喜愛,我決定要在繼續小畫的創作。這次的會以星際大戰為主題並以全景的方式呈現。假使現在星際大戰導演George Lucas有這些新想法,我們一定會很喜歡新的星際大戰。上圖是這系列的第一幅,Chewbacca正在烤一個Ewok。下一個將會是哈里遜伏特飾演的Han Solo和他的朋友。待續..

Sunday, October 4, 2009

the lab baby!

i have been talking about the "laboratory" for some time now and i am sure that none of you are wondering what it looks like. well who cares because today you are going to get a taste. the picture above is my "lab" its where i create and brainstorm new ideas. i have a desk, two easels, spray paint, canvases, a bookshelf, paper, Chinese ink, Chinese paper and a bunch of other things that i can't remember right now all stuffed into that area, there are a bunch of unused ideas and old paintings that i can see all over the place in this pic too. it doesn't really get much cleaner than that or else i start to forget where everything is. It's not really a big space but it gets the job done, plus it has a nice big window for sunny days.

