Monday, August 31, 2009

under construction

Alright people, production for the next show has begun! I'm here to give you some info about the new pieces we're working on. In the last show we had a section dedicated to superheroes, and we decided to do a few paintings of their counterparts...Super-Villains!
First up on the list is the Joker! A quick background on possibly the greatest villain of all time. Joker first appeared in Batman #1 in 1940 as the Dark Night's archenemy. The most accepted version of the Joker's transformation is as follows: An unnamed criminal falls into a vat of chemical waste causing his skin to turn white, his hair green and his lips red. Obviously this traumatic event affected him mentally as well causing his intelligence level to rise dramatically. He has been portrayed as a funny trickster as well as a psychopathic killer.
We will be putting up some sketches of the Joker in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!


上次的個展中,部份展出一系列超級英雄的作品,接下來 我們決定要把反派角色做為下次個展中部份的主題。
說到反派大壞蛋,我們馬上想到的第一人選便是The Joker(小丑)。相信大家對希斯萊傑在他遺作《蝙蝠俠- 黑暗騎士》中 飾演的小丑一角印象深刻,此人物原本就是一個凶残的幫派份子,在一次掉入化學廢棄物池的意外後,讓他變成一個白臉、綠髮 有著血紅唇色的怪人,也戲劇性地變得更加狡猾聰明讓人捉摸 不清。The Joker 的草圖會陸續上傳與大家分享。待續....

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